The comfort and health of your home
Besides your furnace and air conditioning systems, there are several other components that can improve your Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and the comfort of your home. At Home Heating & Plumbing we can help you determine which of these components will best compliment your system.
Air Exchangers and Heat Recovery Ventilators
With today’s energy efficient homes, many new homes are built so tight that they become unhealthy. Although they do a great job of keeping heated or cooled air in, they also seal in stale recirculated air. An air exchanger or heat recovery ventilator (HRV) brings fresh air into your home and exhausts the old stale air after recovering most of the heating or cooling energy the exhausted air through the use of a heat exchanger. Using an air exchanger or HRV is like being able to open a window during any weather without the drafts, humidity or high energy costs.
Heated air is often too dry and contributes to dry skin, sore throats, cracking woodwork and furniture and static electricity in your home. A whole house humidifier uses your heating system to distribute humidified air to every room in your home, making it more comfortable.
High Efficiency Air Cleaners
The addition of a of a high efficiency air cleaner to your HVAC system can help maintain your home’s cleanliness and provide relief from chronic allergies. Compared to the typical fiberglass filters in most heating systems, which are about 7% efficient in capturing airborne particles, a high efficiency air cleaner is up to 98% efficient on particles as small as 1 micron (which is approximately 1/25400 of an inch).
U/V Lights
Ultraviolet lights can be added to the duct system to kill any biological matter in the air system such as pollen, spores, dust mites, etc.